The Commonwealth of Learning (COL) conducted a workshop FOR East Africa on Open Initiative Schooling (OIS) in Kigali, Rwanda from May, 15 to 17 2019 at Marasa Umubano Hotel. This workshop was organized by the Commonwealth of Learning (COL) in collaboration with Southern African Development Community (SADC).
Zambia was represented by one (1) participant drawn from the Directorate of Open and Distance Education (DODE), the Ministry of General Education (MOGE), Headquarters, Mrs. Charity Mbolela Bwalya Principal Education Officer-Distance Learning as Commonwealth of Open Schooling in Association (COMOSA) Chapter Chair for Africa. The other 18 participants who attended the workshop came from four (4) East African countries, namely; Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda and Tanzania. The facilitators came from Canada, Botswana, and Namibia.
Click here to view the documents and slides from the workshop
Great work Aunty B