“Professor Asha Singh Kanwar, one of the world’s leading advocates of learning for development, on Friday presided over the lecture on Development and Education at an Overview of Open and Distance Learning (ODL) workshop hosted by the Commonwealth of Learning (COL) and the Regional Training and Research Institute of Distance and Open Learning (RETRIDOL) under the auspices of the National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN), in collaboration with the University of The Gambia and Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education.
The three-day training held at the University of The Gambia was attended by 32 participants from different institutions.
Prof. Kanwar’s engagement with Distance Education began when she joined Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) where she served as professor, director of the School of Humanities and pro-vice chancellor. Prof. Kanwar has over 35 years of experience in teaching, research and administration. She has written, edited and co-edited a dozen books and published over 50 papers and articles.
She has explained that over 1.2 million people in The Gambia are youths under the age of 27, and that they need more learning to equip themselves with skills.” Read more at http://thepoint.gm/africa/gambia/article/international-lecturer-presides-over-odl-training