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Notesmaster: Open Educational Resources 4 Open Schools

By 17th March 2017No Comments1 min read


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The Commonwealth of Learning (COL) Open Schools Initiative launched an Open Educational Resources (OER) Project to provide materials under the Creative Commons licence agreement to support independent study in 17 specially selected secondary school subjects. Its aim is to broaden access to secondary education through the development of high quality Open Distance Learning (ODL) or self-study materials.

These OER subjects are:

1. Commerce 11
2. Coordinated Science 10 (Biology, Chemistry and Physics)
3. English 12
4. English Second Language 10
5. Entrepreneurship 10
6. Food & Nutrition
7. Geography 10
8. Geography 12
9. Human Social Biology 12
10. Life Science 10
11. Life Skills
12. Mathematics 11
13. Mathematics 12
14. Physical Science 10
15. Physical Science 12
16. Principles of Business
17. Spanish

These resources can now be found on Notesmaster

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