“The returns from education in India’s job market have climbed steeply since the turn of the 21st century, an analysis of the three rounds of the quinquennial employment survey by the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) show.
In 1999-2000, a graduate would earn 2.4 times the salary drawn by workers who had completed their schooling till class VIII. By 2011-12, the gap had widened, with the average graduate worker earning 3.3 times the average worker with basic schooling.
Data show that while the earnings premium at higher levels of education has gone up sharply during the 21st century, the premium at lower levels of education has not. The premium for each level of education has been calculated with respect to the next level of education. The analysis considers only workers above the age of 25 to account for fluctuations in educational enrolments over time.” Read more at https://www.livemint.com/Industry/hNGXLFlirqBcLL9eDHnqdP/The-returns-from-education-in-Indias-job-market.html